Sea Buck Thorn

It’s really tough trying to be a writer when an illness is trying to defeat you. Thankful my
 four tear duct plugs are making it a little easier. The upper plugs are a little irritating, but I 
am trying to ignore it.  I don't know how long they will stay in so I am taking advantage and writing as much as possible. Likely my doctor will replace them as needed. There is an option and that is to have my ducts permanently closed. Just the thought turns my stomach. Hopefully I won't have to do that any time soon. 

Like I promised I would discuss the benefit of Sea Buckthorn Oil. 

Not only is Sea Buck Thorn oil loaded with omega 7 it has omega 3, 6, 9 which is essential to alleviate inflammation. It boosts the immune system while aiding in
It can be used as a topical treatment for skin ailments such as eczema, acne, rosacea, burns, and wounds and as a traditional beauty treatment to preserve youthful skin tone, texture. 
And a study was shown to help lose weight! Now that a big plus. Nevertheless, I use 
Sea Buck thorn to help increase my tear production. Sea Buck Thorn 2,000 mg a day may
 help improve lubrication throughout the body – including tears, saliva, bowel protection an with vaginal dryness. 
According to the study, “ In clinical study on Sjogren’s and Sea Buckthorn, twenty-three female patients with typical symptoms of dryness, pain and itching in the genital tract mucosa took Sea Buckthorn oil for three months. Conditions of the genital mucosa were evaluated using a visual analogue scale method before and after each treatment period. It was found that the use of Sea Buckthorn oil resulted in a higher rate of improvement in all symptoms."

I would love to know if anyone is having luck with the oil. 


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